For office workers and avid computer gamers, wrist discomfort from regular and extended mouse and keyboard use can become a real pain — literally. As we use computers daily for an extended time, we are also learning about problems associated with repetitive motion, such as clicking a mouse or using a keyboard for hours. Not …

A healthy office environment is a priority for any business that wants to grow. Healthy employees enjoy their work more and deliver better results. However, office injury and other health concerns can be sneaky to spot. After all, office trauma isn’t like falling off a crane or scaffold or electrocution by a poorly connected circuit. …

Most office workers spend their days at their desks. After eight hours of typing on your keyboard and clicking a mouse, your hands and wrists might start to ache. And while office jobs don’t seem particularly dangerous besides sometimes being a bit tedious, every office worker is at risk of common office injuries.  You might …

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common among office workers, professional gamers, and other people who spend a lot of their time typing, writing, and using a computer mouse. The repetitive use of the mouse and the forceful wrist and finger movements are identified as one of the main causes of CTS, especially in people who have …